Organisation & People Performance Inspired Honey Blog

September 8, 2008

Today’s Tip on Adding Simplicity to Your Technology

Filed under: Organisation, Productivity — inspiredhoney @ 6:49 am

Your digital world can get very complicated and out of control if you don’t take the time to look after it. Here’s a new series in easy ways to keep things simple with your technology.

1. Label your Cables

Whether it be your computer or your home entertainment system it can be frustrating and time wasting to have to work out which cable goes with which device. I’m sure that you’ve had the experience of getting a new widget that has yet another charging cable, a cable to connect it to others devices and any number of other cables.

You can use labelling machines (such as a Brother P-Touch 55), permanent marker if it is a light coloured cable, or even plastic bread tags. if you have to travel with multiple cables, place each cable in an individual clear, zip-lock bag – labelled for easy indentification.

August 25, 2008

Don’t Be All Or Nothing

You may be reluctant to start an organising project because you only like to start things that you know you can finish in one session. I must admit, as a mother, it’s easier to only pull out what you know you can put back safely in an hour or less.

But waiting until you can do ‘the whole thing’ often ends up in nothing getting done.
It is better to start something and progress a little, then to not start something and to not progress at all. Very often organising projects that don’t get started, get worse over time.

Remember, “how do you eat an elephant?” One bite at a time of course.

If it’s really difficult for you to leave projects unfinished, your best bet is to give yourself ‘smaller’ projects that you can complete in less time. It will also mean you are more likely to suceed. And nothing breeds success like success.

You may want to organise your desk, but you know it’s going to take you a few hours, and you can’t seem to find a few open hours in your schedule.
Organising the entire desk might be too large of a goal. But, if you say to yourself that you’re going to clear off the papers from the top of the desk today, empty out the top drawer tomorrow, organise the files the next day. Once you’ve given yourself projects that can be started, and completed, within short spurts of time, your ‘all or nothing’ tendency will be satisfied. Put the champers on ice and get started!

Fear of Failure!

Filed under: Productivity — Tags: , , , , , — inspiredhoney @ 6:29 am

One of the biggest reasons for not starting an organising project, is fear of failure. You may feel that since you haven’t been able to get organised for so many years, that it will be impossible for you to get organised now.

Or, you may feel that even if you do manage to get it organised, you may not be able to maintain it. You’ve failed in the past so it is likely to happen again.

First, a positive attitude is essential to getting and staying organised. Remember what Ford said about attitude (yes, THE FORD Motor Car Company founder). “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – it makes no difference – you are right either way.” Believe in yourself. You can do it. But you have to START.

Remember – any task or project you progress on, no matter how little the progression, is a success. Enjoy your successes and reward yourself for them. Use gold stars on your To Do Lists. Use groovy coloured pens to tick off what you have achieved. (Hell, throw caution to the wind and try your kids’ crayons!). We take ourselves far too seriously!

It WILL make a difference. Everything makes a difference to your subconscious mind. never underestimate it!

How To Wave Bye Bye To Procrastination

Filed under: Productivity — Tags: , , , , , , , — inspiredhoney @ 6:00 am

Get Over The ‘I’d Rather Do Something Else’ Mindset

Let’s face it. We’d all rather be doing something fun, right? If given a choice between organising paperwork and watching a favourite movie, it’s pretty clear what most people would choose.
One way to overcome this obstacle is to schedule your organising projects for first thing in the morning. Do your project for an hour or so, and be done with it. Once it’s out of the way, your day will be free to do things that you really enjoy.
Another way to combat this mind set, is to make something you love to do, dependent on the completion of your organising project. For instance, don’t allow yourself to have a coffee with a newspaper, until you’ve finished typing the document you promised yourself you’d do today.

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